Friday, 20 November 2015

Mono-print from photograph

Mono-print drawing into ink blend on lino plate taking colours and forms from a photograph taken on a train from London to Northampton.  

Friday, 13 November 2015

Up, Down & Around

Photo Etching of photograph of silk screen being cleaned. Capturing a frozen moment of action. Ghost image visible and manipulated on photoshop, overlaid with annotations.  Drawing attention to authorial agency. 

First proof

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Life through a grid

"You have to  play with reality as you  play  with a grid" Karel Martens

Perceiving reality through 'the grid'. Pursue a series of drawings/prints on graph paper
(What  was  my initial  reason for  using graph paper?)

Relevance of the grid:
-within the everyday
-organisation of space
-in other artist's work eg. Rachel Whiteread, John cage, karel  Martens

Relevant texts
-Grids, Rosalind krauss
-Rachel Whiteread drawings

Friday, 6 November 2015

Screen printing fabric monotypes

Works from the print room on Thursday 5 November.  Placing fabric on exposure unit directly.  This was exposed at 30 units (the lowest you can go and still fix emulsion).

Next step directing the space: drawing connections between forms and highlighting the illusion of 3D space. 



Rachel whiteread, Study (Blue) for ‘Floor’ (1992), 420 x 595 mm
Correction fluid, ink and watercolour on paper

Richard Tuttle, Type L (2004), 33 x 33cm
Colour aquatint with tarlatan chine collie, printed from two plates