Artist Research

New Discoveries!

Sidsel christensen- open gallery
Body and landscape

Sophie Layton

Firenze SMN 2012, 570 x 270 mm, Monotype and Photo-etching, ink on paper

Uses block monoprinted colour to 'evoke feeling' contrasts with the photographic

Inspired by neon but also architectural light - moving through an urban space


Catrin Huber

Architectural, fictional and imaginative spaces

- Hall of Fictional Space

Bronwen Sleigh - exploring architectural/ constructed space. Deconstructing and reconstructing.
Manic Cinq, Etching


Julie Mehretu

Janne Malmros - 2D/3D

Gabriel Orozco - Thinking in Circles, B. Fer


Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Plans for works/ unrealized works and grand plans. Often these are more intriguing than the works themselves, and in this case more accessible!

  Gabriel Orozco- Garden designed for South London Gallery

Piet Oudolf- Hauser & Wirth (Somerset) Garden design
Victor Passmore - schemes for Peterlee. OBJECTIVE ABSTRACTION
Capability Brown 
Tania Kovats
Work: Only Blue 

Victoria Ahrens
Tania Kovats
Works: Sea Mark (Tiles on Board)
Mariele Neudecker 
Victoria Arney - DISRUPTION
Sara Lee - Woodcuts (too traditional?)

William Kentridge
Deep Topographies, Inspiral London (See post in 'Thoughts in Progress')
Tacita Dean
Victoria Ahrens 
Simon Faithful
Works: Going Nowhere
Graham Gussin
Tris Vonna Mitchell - Journey as a genre, an art form as well as subject
Walter de Maria
Chris Ofili - Clifford Chance - diary etchings from time spent in Wales


Janne Malmros - 2D/3D
Tania Kovats 
Works: Sea Mark (Tiles on Board)

Liz Miller (see SOUND)  
Victoria Arney (See Landscape) 
 Tess jaray
Matt mullican

William Kentridge
Tacita Dean
Walter de Maria
Richard Wilson 
Julie Mehetu

Robert Smithson- Finding the Spiral Jetty

Description of finding a site for his sculpture to the process of building it. Text becomes increasingly poetic and descriptive. Text corresponds to photographs. But not illustrative.
The Sebald/Jaray collaborations - collaboration of text and image
*Link to my piece (Grwyne Fechan, "Red hyphenated line...")*
William Kentridge - William Townsend Lecture, October 2016. 
In-depth discussion of his process. The performative aspect of drawing. 
The lecture/text as physically constructed/de-constructed.
Sense and Non-Sense. Abstracted and yet recognisable elements flash in and out of sight.

Julian opie- instructions for inatalling 'there are hills in the distance '

John Cage: 
PROCESS! -Putting in place rules and parameters and letting chance take over at controlled stages. 
Visualisation of 'sound' / music

Liz Miller
Scortadura, Bearspace Gallery


Saw these scored 'performed' at Bearspace Gallery. It seemed problematic that musicians were already familiar with the pieces. Doesn't ambiguous sound have more potential than music?

Veronique Chance [A Winter Landscape Project, See Video tab]

Tacita Dean - JOURNEY (Trying to find the spiral jetty - research paper)

Katrina Palmer - AUDIO WALK (Research paper)

Katie Paterson - Earth-Moon-Earth - Links to Liz Miller, distortion of recognisable classical music. Reliant on the accompanying book to make sense of these sounds. 

Janet Cardiff - Immediacy of Sound, links to Roland Barthes notion that listening roots us in a sense of time and place (Responsibility of Forms)


David Batchelor (whitechapel document of contemporary art series).Also flatlands 

Katherine jones-LUMINOSITY


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