Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Physical reaction to music

Physical reaction to sound - foot tapping. Can i use this when creating my drawings?  Layer recording of ambient journey sounds with foot tapping. Demonstrates how experience is mediated by headphones- tapping corresponds to an soundtrack that isn't revealed. Like watching someone listen to music without knowing what the song is. This rhythm can then begin to be reflected in the drawings.

Lisa Traxler

Came across this artist looking at the RWS Show 'London: A Sense of Place' at Bankside Gallery.

'Remembered Experience', Lisa Traxler
Work concerned with
- space
- 2D/3D
- gesture

Walking and taking photographs as a thought process.

Landscape/ sound/ experience
'Noise of the Landscape (Part 2)', Lisa Traxler

Monday, 24 October 2016

Drawing Connections

My most recent work [St George's Circus, below] puts me in mind of two works from my back catalogue. 

From a portrait project completed in first year of my BA. Painted whilst listening to an interview with the subject, who loved music, which is why I decided to focus on visualizing sound, which ultimately became a visualization of a conversation.

'Hampstead Road', Screen Print, Created for Slade Print Fair 2014. 

Photographed and deconstructed an alcove I used to walk past every day on my way to work. 

Deconstructed to reflect my experience of it:
- broken up by angular shafts of light
- grafitti
- enclosed and dominated by horizontal lines

And which went to inspire early 'movement drawing' at beginning of MA

Sunday, 23 October 2016

What type of space...

The metropolitan trails project suggests we widen the parameters of the so-called 'urban'. That in a new era, with an updated definition of nature the gap between the natural and the man-made has narrowed; the two are now intertwined. Does this need to be considered negatively? Is it a distraction to focus on 'landscape' in my practice with the assumption that that only includes the 'natural' world? My definition of landscape is widening, a return to use of the word space to describe our surroundings, free from above categorizations. 

(Raymond Williams, Keywords: Nature)