Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Audio Visual Experiments

Plans and diagrams/ wall drawing

The Dome - potential as a space for both visual and audio

Projecting sound drawing/lithographic marks onto architectural plan/ dome drawing

Introducing the 'filter'
experiments with coloured acetate

Thinking about idea that the sound surrounding us on a daily basis is mechanical/ electronic/ manmade (bound to Lefebvre's notion of SOCIAL SPACE) what status does this give to physical space ie. nature?
Juxtaposing the two, thinking about they interact - the blurring of boundaries between fixed categories such as natural/urban, constructed/organic, photographic/autographic, audio/visual...

Documents of contemporary art: Sound

Introduction//Sound in Art
Caleb Kelly

Aiding this neglect is the view that sound is difficult to represent : one cannot look at sound in a book...
Page 13

Thinking about perception as discussed in invisibilia- our peripheral vision. As we travel our focus is on the destination.  We don't focus in any one element but we experience a multitude of sensual encounters : visual and sound in particular,  situated in relation to the body. 

As bull and back have noted, 'the experience of everyday life is increasingly mediated by a multitude of mechanically reproduced parallel to this, cities are noisier than they ever were in the past.' Given this increased awareness,  how are we to re-listen to the sound world around us, and how do we situate our bodies and our everyday through these discourses?
Page 14

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Audio Visual

The use of both sight and sound.

Invisibilia Podcast

Invisibilia (Latin for invisible things) is about the invisible forces that control human behavior – ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions.


How different schools of therapy think about thoughts:
1. Thoughts have meaning (Freudian). Thoughts, and where they come from, intimately related to who we are. 
2. Cognitive behavioral therapy. (Dr Aaron Beck). We shouldn't accept 'automatic negative thoughts' at face value. We should challenge/contradict these thoughts. Displacing popularized Freudian theories. 
3. Third wave therapy/ mindfulness. Some thoughts have no meaning. Don't contradict negative thoughts, ignore them. MEDITATION. 

But what happens when we 'lean into' dark thoughts?


'Visual areas of the brain can be activated by sound and touch'

Is the audible so far away from the visual? Are they closer than we think?

They use the example: What does the street look like when you're looking at your phone? We have periphery vision, but we couldn't look at a sign/ read specific information. There is a theory that this can be achieved by blind people with echo-location, especially is learnt at a young age.